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Shauna Walker is a creative artist whose mastery of the language of dance transcends mere movement, delving deep into the raw essence of human emotion and expression. Through her micro-short films, she crafts immersive narratives that serve as windows to the soul, inviting viewers to explore the most intimate parts of ourselves and the human experience. Renowned for her versatility, Shauna seamlessly merges roles as a filmmaker, director, choreographer, performer, and editor, using movement as her primary mode of communication. Recent collaborations with designers such as BERYLL, ROCIO G, and RANIA KROUPI have showcased her multifaceted talent, with captivating micro-short films where movement surpasses mere physicality, becoming an instrument for profound storytelling and meaningful connection. Her ongoing self-portrait series, LOVE LANGUAGE and narratives created on others, MOVEMENT PORTRAITS, stand as testaments to her commitment to authenticity and vulnerability, offering viewers a glimpse into the power of genuine connection through embodied expression. With each film, Shauna invites audiences on a transformative journey of self-discovery, where the language of dance serves as a universal portal for understanding and connection.



Based in Los Angeles, I collaborate with fellow artists and fashion designers, creating unique projects for commission."



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